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Helping working animals all over the world


“Life is as dear to a mute creature as it is to man. Just as one wants happiness and fears pain, just as one wants to live and not die, so do other creatures”

The Dalai Lama



🥫🥤 Cans & Bottles for Hooves & Humps! 🐎🐫

♻ Recycle to Support Working Animals ♻

We’re on a mission to collect containers to help working animals such as donkeys, horses and camels. Join our Cans & Bottles for Hooves & Humps challenge by recycling through Containers for Change!

We have set a goal to raise $7,500 to give working animals much needed help while also supporting our planet through recycling! ♻️

If every one of our Australian subscribers donates $5 through the scheme (that’s only 50 containers) together we could raise $7,500 in October!



Our Mission

Every day, thousands of animals are overworked, abused and injured through inhumane hard labour.

They’re often forced to carry heavy loads for farming, festivals, or construction, weights well beyond their capacity, or used unethically in tourism. The animals work in punishing environments, given little to no rest and work with painful harnessing and untreated wounds. They are also frequently without adequate water and nutrition.

Since 2007, Animal Aid Abroad has been dedicated to improving the lives of working animals, particularly in the poorest communities in the world.  Our first priority is always direct intervention to relieve suffering and abuse. We partner with local organisations to provide veterinary clinics to treat sick and injured working animals, educate local communities, and provide much needed shelter, food, water, medical supplies, and care to suffering animals.